Monday 12 August 2013

Watch out for the Spin-doctors?

I found this picture and I am sorry I just could not help myself!!!

I have been following various blogs etc. since last week and this topic of ‘Why are Millennials leaving Church?’ Bit of an oxymoron is it not..most of them have never actually joined a Church from which to leave???? However the debate  the original blog sparked off  has become viral around the ‘religious world’ and there has developed a ‘slanging match between the countering sides’

I was tempted to put my tuppence worth into the arena then saw this photo and caught myself on!

All these ‘millennials’ referred to.... are people, young people growing up in a generation that has the need to experience celebrity and popularity and success. There is no longer room among this generation for the Olympic ideal..”It’s not the winning but the taking part that counts” No, no, no one remembers the runner-up. It’s all or nothing..It’s win, win, win..NO ONE LIKES A LOSER!           Yet the times we live in, of recession and financial upheaval make that dream so much less achievable BUT they try nonetheless..The result is few make it and the suicide rate among our young people goes sky high and the ones who do make it, make it to the front page of ‘Hello’ BUT only for a while until the next wannabe kicks them off the front page that is until they sink low enough in addiction and depression that they become front page news again for ALL the wrong reasons.          

It strikes me that these ‘Millennials’ have got themselves into a spiral that they have little control over. They don't realise that there are others orchestrating their lives for their own selfish ends and for so many on the merry-go-round of fame, fortune and fantasy they end up in a heap of divorce, debt and often drunkenness!!! Meanwhile we as ‘The Church’ are still doing what Amy Carmichael so graphically portrayed in an account of a vision she had one night when unable to sleep, “Then I saw more streams of people from all parts. They were blind, stone-blind; all made straight for the precipice edge. There were shrieks as they suddenly knew themselves falling, and a tossing up of helpless arms, clutching at empty air….On top the cliff she saw other groups of people, one of which was a group of christians with their backs to the cliff peacefully unawares of what was going on behind them but busy themselves making daisy chains?” (
Still making our 21st Century Daisy Chains meanwhile the generation now labeled ‘MILLENNIALS’ are as, Robert Murray McCheyne once described as hearing like, “The tramp, tramp, tramp of Christ-less feet” heading down the road to destruction and hell? That’s why this picture so grabbed my attention..All the sooth-sayers and spin-doctors of our world are peddling their glittering wares and WE are driving along oblivious to them waiting there at the side of the road to devour these very people for whom Jesus died and to whom HE has sent us out to reach.          

Waken up church! we are NOT in the spin-doctoring  business…Tell people the truth..I know..they don’t want to hear it....but they need to.. "Sin will take THEM farther than THEY want to go, keep THEM longer than THEY want to stay, and cost THEM more than THEY want to pay." Always has done, always will do!
The answer??? “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

If you would like to know more about God’s amazing gift of Salvation please feel welcome to contact me at

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