Sunday 14 July 2013

Always there!

We had looked forward so much to the arrival of Julie, Giz, Hannah and Connor joining us in Tenerife for two weeks holiday. BUT those two weeks passed quickly by and on Thursday past we were back at the airport for the tearful farewell...........................

When we return to Ireland we know the family are as excited about that as we are when they are coming this way. This is especially so of the grandchildren and most especially our eldest and only granddaughter Hannah who is particularly enthusiastic about the arrival of Nanny!!
When we land at her house she is straight out the door to friends or off playing somewhere else??? We could never quite understand, that is, until now!! In the past when family have visited us here they have stayed with us or in another apartment but still on our complex, so we literally spent all of the time with them. On this occasion they were staying some distance away and the commitments of work meant we were not able to be with them all of the time…BUT we knew they were there! We knew that we could simply jump in the car and go over to them!! We were content with the knowledge they were here close to us and if and when we wanted to we could see them, talk to them be with them.. Now they have returned home, I realised how Hannah felt. We were there; she knew that she could go off and play knowing that at any point should she come back home or just come downstairs we would be there. It was enough for Hannah that we were there. I miss them being around, even now I’m fighting back the tears, I wish they could always be around, ALL OF THEM but they cannot!!

Who of you reading this is not feeling this very same way? You wish you had the ones you loved around, here? Worse for many, perhaps, is that the one you loved the most has not just gone back home but had gone forever! If only they were still around? BUT they cannot!
Yet there is ONE who can know, who makes all the difference in my life, and although I miss the closeness of family around me here, still He makes up for that and He fills the empty space and replaces my sadness with His joy AND the greatest thing is that He, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ IS ALWAYS..WILL ALWAYS be around.. Listen to what Hebrews 13 says  “Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I’m fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me? (He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.)

Tell me this would you not like to get to know this Jesus and know as I do that there is now NEVER a time in my life when I can say, I have no one who loves me, no one who cares, no one around???

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